Sunday, March 09, 2008

ELV's, EOB's....WTF?

If you've been watching the Super 14 over a Pint, you've seen some teams adapt to the ELV's like the Crusaders, and others who haven't.

Have you read the ELV's?

What about your EOB?

WTF is an EOB BMK?

(Sorry, couldn't resist)

EOB is an explanation of benefits. It's the rules that your insurance company will follow to the letter regarding the payment for your healthcare. Understanding this document intimately will save you 1000s of dollars. The whole claims process will be based around the EOB.


If you don't know how your insurance works, when you go to the ER, you're screwed. Get a copy of your EOB either from your HR department, or request one from your agent and/or insurer.

As always, email me with what plan you've got, and I'll explain it to you...for a Pint.

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