Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Why (MOST) Insurance Agents don't want your business...

When I was asked to move into the forwards, hooker specifically, I was quickly told that I was too small...

"So, how do I get bigger?"  Tarzan taught me the BFS system, and I worked hard.  Very Hard.

(These days, I use

With Insurance Agents, they'd like for you to work really hard, get BIG, then buy the policies they are hocking.  They don't want to "waste their time" on the small guy.  Instead, they all troll for the same dissatisfied guy looking for a new agent.  Problem is, if the client is dissatisfied now, chances are that he's normally pissed, and you're just the next to get the abuse.


To me, no business is too small.  I starting this gig making about $6/month on policies.  A Hundred customers wouldn't cover my rent.

But I kept going.  I worked hard.  I built and grew with Rugby.

I was small, health insurance only.  Now, I write health, accident, employee benefits, life, disability, business, sports leagues, sports teams, travel insurance, professional athletics, and professional liability.

I'm so grateful for this Sport and this business.  I'll talk to any Rugby player about any kind of insurance.

Nothing is too small... except me at Hooker.

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