Imagine if that were true, Rugby players would lead an empty pint glass revolution in the streets!
(As far as knows, you can still pay for beer using a debit card.)
However, Obamacare didn't want you using a debit card for certain purchases, when attached to an Flexible Spending Account, Health Savings Account, or Health Reimbursement Arrangement.
Well, they've flipped on that one. And, here's why the law sucks. In Obamacare, you can't make certain purchases with a debit card. But, the Department of Health and Human Services and/or the IRS (difficult to determine who's really in charge...) can waive, change, implement, or not implement, anything inside Obamacare. This time, it was the IRS.
Who's accountable? Who's in charge? What will change next?
Rugby players should care because our ability to get back on the pitch in a timely manner is jeopardized by a number of Obamacare items.
Imagine not getting your pain meds after knee surgery... (Oh Beer!!!!) Imagine having to get Gov't approval for your shoulder MRI...
Now, about that revolution...
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