Thursday, May 05, 2011

Renting/Leasing a space for Rugby events

Renting venues for Rugby events, and even open space for training and games, can become a PITA when the landlord/leasor demands a certificate of insurance.

CIPP'ed teams can use the USA Rugby form, but everyone at the event must be CIPP'ed, from my understanding.

The product is called Event GL, or Premises Liability. Many, many forms, but the gist is a "slip and fall" policy. If you're worried about not having the right insurance, get a quote. Most local independents know how to do this, and it couldn't hurt to look at the numbers.

Plus, the venue itself knows what it needs. Ask. Don't put if off either, cuz insurance moves at the speed of smell, so calling Thursday for gig Saturday ain't gonna happen.

As Rugby grows, these situations will grow. Games to Fundraisers, our sport is on the rise.

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