Monday, April 30, 2012

Rugby, Zulus, and Smart Phones...

Imagine if this was your SO, your wife, girlfriend, partner, or your sister... You'd be pissed too...

Now, I've done a Zulu, and "encouraged" others to do theirs.  The hard part about the Zulu now is the Smart Phone. 

Imagine if somebody takes a pic, insta-whatever, or even a video, and then posts it to the web.  Did you get the Zulu-er's permission?  If the naked guy's boss finds it, and fires him, is the Club responsible?  USA Rugby?  The Union?

Here's a bit of advice:  Don't take any pics or vids of after match "traditions".  Period.  Problem solved...

'cuz once it hits the Interwebs, "Take it down, Zulu Warrior!" ain't gonna happen...

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